Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Today's Glimps...

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Last Friday afternoon, after picking up Missy and Josh from school, we took them to see “Horton Hears a Who” as a surprise and kind of “Welcome to the Weekend” gesture. I brought some sliced turkey rolled with Lace Swiss cheese (pretty low sodium content) but still succumbed to the temptation of a large pretzel with no salt on it (later finding out it was 350mg of sodium in the pretzel itself).

After the movie, I found it profoundly harder to stand and become mobile to exit the theater, being the last one out to boot.

CC went ahead to bring the van close to where we were going to reach the sidewalk and as I walked with my cane, I found it necessary to use the hand railing on the right side of me as well. Upon reaching the van, I loaded myself in and we began our ride home. My legs began to ache more and more finally reaching the point where I couldn’t move them voluntarily and I began to focus hard on not succumbing to the pain and positional discomfort. CC realized I was in mid-battle and instructed my daughter how to get water and my pills into me to begin the “counter-measures” so to speak. At this point I couldn’t open my eyes and see or use my hands and arms.

When we got home, CC rolled out our wheel chair and she somehow maneuvered me into it with Missy’s help and then rolled me into the house and onto the couch where I stayed for a few hours. When it got to where I could see again, she and the kids helped me up the flight of stairs to our bedroom and got me into bed.

It had been a number of months since I had an attack of paralysis; most of my recent attacks of late have been low K+ and high Phosphorus which present themselves in uncontrollable spasms, severe brain fog/disorientation and inability to control communication and complete exhaustion, often leaving me with vicious muscular pain for a few days following, the kind of pain that is not touched by non-IV medicine, unfortunately.

Yesterday, Monday, I was down stairs in the morning when the intense sweating began and my ability to think clearly diminished. I ate some steak to boost my protein and called my aunt who lives near-bye to come and help. Made my way up the stairs and got onto bed and waited for her. The rest is a blur.

Today has been better, so far…at least I’m typing…

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