It’s been a while, I know. This entry is to log that I took a pretty hard hit this afternoon, even after/as I was taking my Potassium Fizzies.
First thing I noticed was that I was staring at a blank computer screen unable to remember why I began looking at it in the first place. Next, my lips began to go numb and my eyelids no longer were behaving my orders to remain open. I managed tunnel vision to see the counter (I was sitting at the desk in the dining room) and got myself there before my legs went fully out. CC pushed me against the counter in an effort to stabilize me and keep me from falling ( think). She called for Missy to come and help and next thing I knew I was falling into the black chair.
I don’t like the attacks that are accompanied with numbness, especially in my lips; it’s a terrifying feeling of awareness that things are not at all right.
I was down for a number of hours and now can only hobble with the use of 2 canes instead of one.
Prayers for a better tomorrow…