Monday, July 07, 2014

Happy 4th of July!! (a couple days/years late...)

It's the 7th of July, 2014 and I've been off-blog for roughly a year +....
For those who follow this blog and have connected to me/it over time, I'm sorry to have not posted for so long.  All I can do is ask your forgiveness and to bear with me, checking back from time to time or even setting it up so that, when I post to the blog, you can get a email note of the activity, if you choose to.

Okay....How to start up again...?


God is good, ALL THE TIME, God is good.  I may lose sight of the electrical joy that comes with knowing that very thing, but His mercy on me holds the spiritual charge that I need every day of every week, and when I am willing and able to see His recharging of me, I can see the power and feel His electricity as He charges me for another unearned day (on my part).

This past February 5th, marks the second year since my stroke and divine recovery.  It still causes me to stop and catch my breath when I think about what has happened in my family, and in me, in the past 8+ years.

Back in 2001-2002, I had the opportunity, honor and the blessing of meeting a young poet/musician evangelist by the name of eLi.  How we met and why we met is for another day, but for the purposes of this blog entry, I want to share how God touched me through eLi.

He played and sang a song that struck me to my center core, as if I was the only one in the room those nights I heard him sing.  Here's the song: "Unqualified"

The lyrics are:

Verse 1
     Every night I stand before you
     And please know that I'm so glad you came
     Who am I that you should treat me like a hero?
     I am no Superman but just another face

Verse 2
     If I had it to do over
     I can't say I wouldn't do the same
     Cuz thru it all I've learned about my God's forgiveness
     Well I rejoice cuz I can turn to Him and say

          I have stolen, cheated, I have lied
          I am prideful and unqualified
          I am broken when I realize
          It's God's grace, God's grace
          That covers (me)

Here's eLi sayin' it straight...(below)

This song has never left my soul or spirit since hearing it the first time in the small balcony in a little church in the Bay Area, where he was performing for a gathered crowd of 20+ people or so...
Anyway, his song reminds me of who I am and brings me perspective when things are both very hard and also very good.  I've lost contact with him over these past several years, but he is always in my heart and prayers and I am forever grateful for his humility and honesty and his friendship of me, another unqualified, broken vessel who doesn't want to be out of the sight of his Potter, Giver of Life.

That was not where I was imagining this post was going to go...but it is where it should be in this moment, at this time.  I hope the link comes through above; if not I will go back into the post and fix it somehow.

If you'd like to reach me or reconnect, my email is: audiopilotfopc-at-gmail_dot_com

Peace and blessing to all who read this, and if you don't mind to, just tag a comment that you saw and read it so I know who's still out there?  There's much more to share and I'd like to get a sense of who I'm sharing with at this point.  :o)

Blessings, Love and Music from Wade (Audio Pilot)

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