Throughout the day (most any day), I like to listen back to stuff I've recorded to keep the ideas familiar and to evaluate them. Most of the ideas I listen to are after 2007, but I also enjoy listening to the Forthright tunes we recorded (both Kevin's Garage Rehearsal Tapes & The Crystal Cathedral Sessions we recorded in their 24 track studio) as well as any/all of the stuff Scott Rose and I worked on starting in 1991(Jetty Rd, SBG, etc.).
Kev left on Wednesday morning and the following Tuesday, Brian came down for a musical visit and hang time and we wrote some more music as well as listened back to some ideas I'd written in the previous weeks and he laid some drum tracks down for some select ideas.
Bri always breathes new life into my older ideas and, by doing so, inspires me to write more and re-evaluate some older ideas that had just a drum loop for my "drum track". He sits at the kit and ideas go from "black & white" to "color" if you follow my thought process.

I'd love to have Wallace Helms from North Carolina come out so we could create some more music like we did in the late 80's and early 90's in Forthright.
I wish I had photos of each person I'm thinking of...*sigh* For now, these are who I have pics of (and each of them makes me smile).
You know, stepping back and looking at this brief list of musicians illuminates for me the realization that God has allowed me some incredible moments in time with some excellent musicians. Some folks can go through their lives looking for someone to write and play music with, and I've been given several brothers (and a few sisters) who I've written with, played/performed with, and have been inspired by.
When you read this, I hope you can reflect on the people in your life that were not there by accident, and, maybe, reach out to them, sharing your thoughts and recollections of good times and times that you were grateful that they were there with you (in person, in spirit, or in memory).
My list of folks (above) is most certainly incomplete and I don't want that anyone would read this and think that I haven't or don't value their musical input into my life. The biggest risk when it comes to naming musical inspirations and influences is that some names may be accidentally/inadvertently omitted. If I have omitted your name from the list above, I truly hope that you'll forgive me.
Well, that's it for now. I hope to eventually post some of the songs/ideas Kev, Bri, and I have worked on; it will be cool to share them. =)
Peace, Music & Blessings~
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