Monday, August 20, 2007

Some help if you are so inclined...

Monday, August 20, 2007

I woke up this AM around 6:15 and got the kids ready for school and actually was able to get them to school in plenty of time. I attribute this good fortune to feeling much better today than my previous several days and weeks. I’m taking it as a heavenly gift and appreciating it in like fashion.

The help I’m asking for is in creating an Excel worksheet which will log daily experiences so I can more formally track my own symptoms easily. If it is much more than a simple “fill in the blanks” or “check the box here” then it won’t be feasible for me to keep up with when I’m feeling poorly. I plan to keep the log in my Axim (similar to a Palm Pilot…but better in my opinion…) so I can always have it with me and I can sync it with the computer when I sync up.
I try these logs from time to time but I have little success because I make them more than they need to be inevitably, so I’m hopeful some of you will be willing and able to create a log for me to use or at least try out in Excel format; I’m using Microsoft Office, that’s the catch.

Here’s what I was using so far with the formatting change of the Date, Time Row would be diagonal to like 15%, though I’m not seriously attached to that formatting. Also, instead of “X” I’d like to have a box that I “check off” or mark, fill in, so to speak, where multiple symptoms can be selected instead of just one. And the format could be done vertically instead of horizontally if you see how to do it…see, I start to get all creative and want a finished Masterpiece when I’m done…sigh.
Anyway, see below for the columns I am certain I need in the chart and keep in mind when creating for the possibility for adding more symptoms if needed:



Body sweats
head/neck sweats
light headed
have to sit down
general weakness
blurred vision
Numbness (location?)
Muscle Cramps
Muscle Spasms (Brief, minor)
Muscle Spasms (Major)
Myoclonic Jerks (Logged the morning after)

Please send me any ideas to and know that they will be received with the utmost appreciation and gratitude. I need help on this so I’m calling out to anyone interested.


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