Tuesday, April 27, 2010

End of an Era with Loss in Our Hearts


  12-30-06 043

Shadow Cat Odum

(September, 1989 ~ April 26, 2010)

Today is Monday, April 26, 2010

Our hearts began to openly break while we stood in the vet’s office and heard the words, that our beloved Shadow cat, whom we’ve had for nearly 21 years, since she was a little grey kitten, has at best a 05% chance of rebounding from a blood clot located at the arterial split for the blood flow to the hind legs and quarters.   

She tried to walk but would end up dragging her back-half of her body by pulling herself forward with her front legs. 


CC and I had as good a quality time with her as we could have hoped for and that helped…but we knew after talking to our most favorite and trusted vet, Dr. Arbios, that we could no longer save her or protect her from her death.  God blessed us even as we shared our breaking hearts with each other and reminded us that she is not dying in great pain or showing signs of sufferings which certainly would be expected when encountering a cat of her age with her known medical issues that we’ve been treating on a daily basis.

Shadow went to sleep in CC’s arms and CC cuddled her until she was fully asleep, then Dr. Arbios came in and carried her to another part of the clinic where she would be given the second shot. 

Some of the staff came in and gave us hugs and consoled us before we left with an empty cat carrier.

My emotional fabric has the consistency of a cobweb; many of you know this already.

Your prayers and thoughts are not unlike life-changing food for the starving, that strengthens them, nourishes them and brings them a lift in their spirit.  We have been weakened and our hearts have been broken.


1 comment:

  1. Oh Wade, I'm so sorry for your loss. I know how you feel right now. We had to have our monster of a cuddle dog, Boomer, put down in late February. I couldn't imagine the emotional effect. But, He has helped me get through it, as will you. I'm praying for you guys, now and always.



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