Thursday, April 22, 2010

Thursday Night…


I have a closed/blocked right tear duct and have been referred to a Surgery clinic to resolve the issue.  The biggest issue at the moment is a migraine since Saturday.  The two pain shot injections (After Hours Clinic on Sunday and ER on Monday ) were very helpful, but they didn’t break the cycle. 

We saw an Ophthalmologist on Tuesday who tried a few times to irrigate the tear duct, but the efforts were unsuccessful and were pretty stressful for me. I’m doing better at home; sleeping alright, but once I get up and as the day progresses, the migraine increases.  Doing computer work (yeah, like posting a blog…), watching TV, reading, light, sound and movement all tend to escalate it. The antibiotics for the eye should resolve some of that pain and hopefully the migraine will end soon. 

Earlier today, I felt a burning sensation at the opening of the tear duct and noticed some an off-yellow substance at the opening and after cleaning that away, the “bump” blockage felt much smaller.  It’s not gone, but it is certainly better. 

Thank you so very much for your prayers.

The goal now is to vanquish the migraine, and if possible, figure out what exactly caused it.


And now…

some pics of Joshua’s 5th grade float:




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