Tuesday, June 16, 2009

“Have You Seen Me?”

The first thing that came to my head when thinking of a title was the question we are all likely numbed to, found on spam mail and coupons and different postal papers; “Have you seen me?”, regarding to a missing child or youth.  Hopefully, there are many of us who are not numb to it, but I seldom look at these advertisements and it scares me to think what the parents and siblings must be going through.  Sorry to begin this post so dark, but it struck me a couple days ago when I went out and brought in the mail and I’m hoping to focus my head and mind long enough to write something lyrical about it.  We shall see.  Also, I’m trying a new font called “Kristin ITC”.  I kinda like it. 

Please send me an email telling me which font you’d prefer or would recommend that is not “ordinary and boring”  :o)


This font is calledForte” and I’m going to use it for this next paragraph.  Before sharing about today, I need to relate yesterday’s activities; Missy began her summer school courses at Sac State and she has one class in the early afternoon this week.  Joshy and I went with CC to pick up Missy from class then we went on an excursion to the American River, which is right beside the college campus.  We brought my chair and some food for me and drove down to a parking area near the shoreline and then went exploring.  I think we all had a good time, but my part of the trek came with a physical price, in that, most of the areas they wanted to walk and any areas near the water are covered in river rocks and taking my chair 4-wheeling beat the daylights out of me by the time we were done.  I wasn’t certain how I would feel today, but I was thinking I might be sore…and I was right.  I’m sore.

Now we are on to “Lucida Handwriting” (computer font-based cursive which looks really good!).  So, following yesterday’s adventure was a smaller hit which was a combo trigger of me beating myself to a pulp using the chair and river rock combination and my choice to not abstain from Baskin Robbins on our way home.  The sugar rush combined with my agitated physical state brought on a smaller hit.  I went upstairs after we got home and stayed in bed for the remainder of the evening.  I took some liquid potassium (K+) upon arriving home and it shut down the attack progression within about 20 – 30 minutes.  It is nothing short of confirming when you analyze my attack symptoms and then witness the nearly immediate changes once I get the K+ into me.

So, I get up and go to PT this morning and am realizing on the ride over that I will not want to do any machines today; just go in and do the muscle stretching and massage and see how I do.  Mark did an effective job of convicting me on my sugar consumption, which I know is an unsecured aspect of my battle with this disease.  The Methadone I take creates a “sweet” craving that hits at different points during the day and that craving is terribly hard for me to control, yet if I don’t, I will suffer either a diabetic attack or crash , or I will have an attack from a resulting K+ imbalance.  *sigh*  Anyway, PT went well but we stayed away from much work on my legs and lower back.  As my aunt and I were preparing to leave from PT, I was aware that necessary work had been done to some already angry muscles in my lower back, hips and ribs and I chose to take some liquid K+ before driving away.  Once we got back to my house, walking was initially becoming painfully problematic and my goals for the day became quite simple; avoid an attack, period.  It’s now 6:38 and so far so good, though I’ve taken an additional amount of pain meds to block out what would become tensing pain.  There have been 4 or so sweats that pour sweat all over, but no spasms to follow them so far.

Joshy and I watched “Galaxy Quest” this afternoon while CC and Missy had some mom/daughter date time together.  Galaxy Quest is one of my favorite movies and Joshy thought it was hilarious.  Mission accomplished.

Ugly heat today and it only got into the upper 80’s…this oncoming heat-spell will not be a good thing for me if I am to be outside the house for any reason.

Ok.  Writing and keeping my head up, focusing is becoming laborious which means I’m losing my energy battle and I should post now so I don’t end up trying to post at midnight or some such hour…

I want to humbly yet directly ask you to please continue to pray for us; for our finances, for our communications, for His healing and restoration, for wisdom and discernment.  There is SO MUCH that must go into our planned trip in October to the Periodic Paralysis Conference in Orlando and my ability to stay focused has been compromised by my desire and actions to experience less pain…



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