Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Today will be shorter, at least for now.
I need to head to the recycling center to drop off our plastics and aluminum and then the dry cleaners then to physical therapy then to another cleaners then to my old office to pick up more of my stuff in there then back home. Likely in bed after that, if today tracks like the last week has been.
CC observed me, yesterday, while I was talking with my friend Josh who had come to have lunch with me, and CC noted that I was struggling to keep my eyes focused and open, something which is physical for me not mental, meaning, I was very much listening to what was going on but my body was exhausted and was trying to rest since I was sitting down.
I didn’t know it was obvious, though I suspect things are more clear to those who know me than they are to me since I can’t see the signs and often I argue with the signs because I don’t want them to be an accurate synopses of my current state at that moment. I didn’t want to be tired so I refused to accept that I was, however CC made it clear that I wasn’t going to drive anywhere after lunch and she explained to me why after Josh left and though embarrassed, I understood and agreed.

The shooting at Virginia Tech broke my heart. I was watching the new LITERALLY when the news flash hit the screen and I was speechless as I listened in to the story as it developed.

I watched part of a movie on Comcast Select last night called Flesh and Blood with Rutger Hauer, an actor I have appreciated. I could only make it part way through due to the carnality of it. It screwed up my disposition for the remainder of the night. That sucked.

Still haven’t heard from Cap Christian regarding our participating in a small group…I’m almost done with it which is a bummer. We are falling through the cracks, AGAIN.

I’m not at NAB and that sucks supremely too.

Not very uplifting today. Sorry.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Dude, if you're looking for a small group, I'm starting at our place in a few weeks, and you're more than welcome to check it out. We're following Arcade Church's format, which you can check out here:

    Gimme a call. Small group or not, we should hang.



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