Wednesday, November 5, 2008
So, as it turns out, I did have a smaller hit yesterday evening while I was outside in the backyard cleaning our fountain (as best I could). I got myself to the house wall and leaned, locking my knees so I wouldn't fall then CC came and helped me inside. Smaller inconsistent spasms followed. Getting up this morning removed ANY doubt that I took a hit last night; I could hardly walk with the cane due to my legs and my ribs/ab and chest held me in contempt. I added one more to my pain pill allotment (per CC) and was able to manage the morning without having to stay down the whole time. Oh yes, I want to add that I believe that the key reason for having less attacks now is because of the climate change and the vastly cooler weather as opposed to the inescapable heat. As long as I don't get chilled or significantly cold, I expect that I will manage with minimal hits for a while. Wouldn't that be an answer to prayer?!! I'm good for that.
I wish I could be *normal* again. But it is unquestionably worthy of noting that through this disease, I have become even closer to my children, wife and family. I do believe I am blessed in spite of...*it*.
My thoughts on the political landmark? I believe that God is in control, ultimately, and that there were more voting folks who wanted Obama than wanted McCain. To me, it should be just simple math. I just began to write my more personal thoughts about it, and this, of all written venues, should be my place to write what I think and write what I want to, but I'm not willing to endanger my friendships over passionate politics. I voted; I "spoke my mind" via the ballot box and I think that should be that. I was really quite shocked to see the degree of hate and anger and venom displayed in Facebook over this election, certainly including the California elections, not just the presidential election; "Christians" calling other "Christians" misguided, diluted and even accusing them of following *another* Jesus. Scripture being quoted as a weapon against others, even generically and generally, spreading their angst and hurt around so that nobody walks away without feeling pushed. I'm grieved. A couple nights ago, I was even told (via internet) that I DO NOT have a right to my own opinion without chastisement and correction for my ignorance of my beliefs...and this too came from someone identifying themselves with Christianity. She ended her verbal sortie with "Matthew 25!". I was not surprised to read Matthew 25 and realize that she must have been referring to some friend of hers named Matthew who must have just turned 25, because NOTHING she was slashing with came even near relating to ANY scripture (although I did feel there was some relating her diatribe to "...wailing and gnashing of teeth."). Sad.
I wrote the following in an exchange with a very dear friend who sees things differently than me and was commenting on my salutation that I am hopeful that our new president will follow God. He shared ""W" claimed that's what HE was doing and look where THAT got us... Sorry! Love ya.". He also stated and I am paraphrasing) that Clinton was a far better leader and president that either of the Bush presidents. Here are, and were, my thoughts on those views:
"Following God carries no assurance of (no) missteps or a even, easy road. I think following God actually requires one to make decisions and choices that may contradict "political correctness" and even the people's desires, thus, in the shorter term, making one a popular outcast, but is there a price to big to be guilty of following God?
It is painfully tempting to draw attention to Clinton's clear and obvious sins and to re-illuminate his lies and double standards, as it would be to do the same with ANY president from a differing political party line, but sin is a given in people, whether they occupy the throne in a political office or the thrown in their bathroom; they will sin and fall short in front of all of us. My earnest hope is that, when they fall short, they do so DOING THEIR VERY BEST in following the leadership of the God that they profess leads them, if that makes sense.
I also hope you are willing to point that same finger at Obama when he screws up, gets caught lying & falls short of his political promises. Every president falls short, it is a given in the office of president. I believe that promises, postures and "appearance" are some of the main reasons that Obama was elected, two of the three I agree with, but he will now learn "on the job" what it takes to be a president and I can only hope that his skin, regardless of its pigment, is prepared and tough enough to endure the cuts of international opposition and the scrapes and bruises of national "no-win" choices he will have to make and we will have to live with.
Do you suppose that people will be able to mock him and mock his errors and mistakes, as has been done to Bush, Clinton (occasionally) and Reagan (in general) without being called racists or bigots or haters? Unfortunately, I doubt it at this point. I don't agree with or appreciate the mocking, regardless of WHO is in office, but I know it will be done, to one extent or another, only now it may likely be received as a racial "thing" instead of a political one. I guess it will depend on the person.
I'm excited to have a president whose skin isn't white, just as I would have been excited to have a woman vice president (thus creating the possibility of having a woman president). I'm NOT the least bit concerned for their skin color or their gender; I'm concerned for their role as president and what impact they will have on America. More than anything else, I am concerned for their espoused relationship with their living God, who they profess relationship with.
At least "W" did his noted best to follow God; it remains to be seen if Barack (Barry) Obama will do the same.
I expect that we will end up agreeing to disagree on Clinton's success as president. As to his personal life, I think, and am of the opinion, that once he became the president, he chose to live his life in the public's eye with all aspects of it available for public opinion and approval/disapproval, to a great extent. The issue of his adultery while in office was far more concerning because he lied about it and it was his lack of honesty, not his act of adultery that caused so much alarm in me. If he is willing to lie and conceal such an act as that, what else has he lied about and what else has he concealed?
I realize that you may likely not see Clinton as the failure and embarrassment to the office of president as I do, and that's totally cool because Clinton has, and had, nothing to do with my love for you as my friend of so many years. I could give a rat's ass about politics when it comes to caring for and about my friend. My response to political banter is just my response.
I guess that sums me up pretty well regarding the presidential politics, at this point
I was hoping that today would be less anxious than the preceding number of weeks, but even today, more posturing and finger pointing regarding an proposition that was passed by the majority of California voters and now seen as the fault of "ill informed, unauthentic/untrue Christians and making the *real* Christians look bad, besmirching Jesus' name. I don't know about everyone else, but I voted my heart and my spirit, according to my knowledge of the scriptures. With great regret but historical proof, the Word of God, the Bible, is not "politically correct" and brings controversy to EVERY community and people who live irregardless to God's own teachings. God is love and we are to love EVERYONE regardless of their sin or their politics (some may even see those as one and the same...) but God does call His people to live in the world but not embrace its gods, customs or traditions if they contradict His Word.
I love my family and my friends IRREGARDLESS of their politics.
I read the end of the book...I know how all of this ends, eventually, and I know with all my heart, where I believe I will be; that should be good enough for me.
This a my blog about my life and struggles with HKPP (a terminal disease); Conquests and set backs, relationships and the strengthened resolve of their survival.
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