Thursday, January 25, 2007

Thursday Morning, January 25, 2007...Hmmm... mad.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

This morning started early enough; getting up at 5:00 AM to wake up Missy so she can shower and get ready for school in an un-rushed fashion and so that CC could sleep in for a change.
Both kids got going as should be and are now (it’s 8:03) on their way to school via a friend of ours. I made a call to the disability folks, just a bit ago, to verify that they received the fax from Kaiser (which Kaiser said they faxed last week) and I wanted to know what paperwork would be necessary from Kaiser should my “return to work” date be modified.
They said that they have not received any correspondence from Kaiser as of yet. Also, all that they will need from the doctor is a note with his signature, stating the new date for returning to work should it become modified from the original.

I was told by a receptionist at Member Services in Kaiser that they don’t take appointments, but to come to the office between 8:30 and 10:00 AM and the line should be minimal to nothing.
Looks as though I may be making that trip this morning or tomorrow morning, one way or another, since Kaiser stated to us that they had faxed and mailed the requested forms to MetLife last week and MetLife says they’ve received no communications. Someone’s lying. Could be less dramatic than that, but my feelings are that someone’s lying and whoever the hell it is, is putting our reimbursement pay in jeopardy. To date, I’m not impressed with Kaiser, except for my Primary Care doctor and my Nephrologist. Everyone else is pissing me off to no end, currently.
Time to decide if I want to get dressed fairly quick and gather my existing notes and head in to Member Services or filter more notes and such and go in tomorrow.

I’m angry now so I don’t feel much like writing anything else at the moment. The rest of today’s post will have to wait until I feel more like being nice (which is not right now.)
See ya

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