Well it is 11:59 PM, so it’s technically still Saturday for this entry.
I received a call from CC who is down in Pacifica with her oldest sister, at about 11:25 PM to let me know that the hospital called her and asked her how soon she could get there…for those who’ve never dealt with a scenario where a loved one is in a hospital, to get a call asking you how soon you can get there is not a good thing. CC’s mom began labored breathing at some point tonight and sometime after that her blood pressure took off and she has become delusional to a significant extent. The hospital caller Chris, CC’s brother and caller her as well and her brother was able to get to the hospital fairly quickly, within the hour, I’d bet. CC’s going to drive up tomorrow morning first thing and go there as well. I have both kids and no ready-made plans for them to be covered in any way, so my participation at this point is not practical. The plan for her mom is that she is heading into ICU now and if they can’t calm her breathing down then they will intubate to relieve her labor in breathing and will get moving on some diagnostics to determine if she’s encountering a blood clot or not and go from there. That’s the first place they’ll begin anyway.
I spoke to her for a short while tonight and asked her how she was doing and she sounded somewhat labored in her breathing, but she’s done that in the past here at the house and under the stressful circumstances I thought it not unusual. She was hopeful for CC to come back up from the Bay Area sooner than later and wanted to know how the kids were doing. She said she was glad I called and I told her I’d call her tomorrow in the morning some time to see how she’s doing then.
For those who pray, you have a plethora of points to pray about, but I’d selfishly ask that you be praying for CC’s drive back up from the Bay Area and for her safety. Also that if we are “on a street where there will be no U turn this time”, that CC can make it safely to the hospital with time to spare to see her mom. I’d like to get there too, but it is much more important for CC to get there than me.
I’ll share more in the next entry regarding my buddy from Nebraska visiting last night and this morning and seeing his family for lunch as well and some more accumulative thoughts regarding Kaiser, HKPP and the whole ISSUE a hand.
Oh yeah, almost forgot; Joshy recorded his first song tonight, EVER. He used a percussion WAV loop and then played a guitar part, a keyboard part (played specifically against the guitar part, very intentional and expressive), and 5, yes count them, 5 vocal parts. No words, just vocal improve; scat-like at points and also very intentional. I ran his vocal mic through my guitar processor so he could have some fun creative effects to use. Very interestingly, one of the vocal tracks he wanted left dry (dry means unaffected and untreated) which really surprised me as well. He was not the least bit embarrassed or bashful to do the vocal work with me right there. I’m as proud as I can be…
It’s now 12:25 AM on Sunday morning and the phone just rang a couple minutes ago. CC, her oldest sister Kim and Kim’s daughter, Angel are all on their way up to the hospital now, driving. Being that her father passed away from a blood clot while having been in the hospital for less than 48 hours and that the girls did not get to the hospital before he died, they’re on their way now to give themselves the best shot at it this time. I begged her to drive carefully knowing it’s useless to ask them not to speed and for her to call me when they get to the hospital.
Sleepless night on its way.
So, since that’s going to be the case, might as well continue to write, no?
So, my brother of many, many years Keith Nesja flew in to Sac on Friday night and I picked him up at the airport and brought him back to our house for the night. We hung out and talked until a little past midnight then called it quits and went to bed.
Waking up yesterday morning (Yes, I’ve gone ahead and changed days within the same entry and now am calling yesterday “Saturday”) was clear that it would be a cane day again. I woke up during the night with numbing in my hands and fingers and pain followed. Unfortunate and interesting correlation. Anyway, when I got up at 8:00, CC was finishing getting ready to leave for Pacifica so she could participate in the creation and construction of her niece Angel’s wedding invitations. They’d planned this excursion for some time and I had missed the bulk of that info, so my mood was kinda bummed that she was leaving for the day and night, but hooking up with Keith was a worthy distraction. She left as Keith was making pancakes for Joshy and Missy.
Now before you get in my face about my guest making and serving food, let's remember the following, shall we? Here we go:
1. Keith is more my brother than guest, and I mean that in the most familial and appreciative way I possibly can.
2. Joshy asked HIM to make the pancakes and before I could choose to be miffed that I WASN’T asked, Keith had asked where the Bisquick box was located.
3. Keith is a dad of 3 (oldest is twelve) and is always in “dad-mode” whenever I’ve seen him since he’s had his family of children.
4. Keith is my brother and has always been an example of a servant, right down to making pancakes for his friend’s kids.
1. Keith is more my brother than guest, and I mean that in the most familial and appreciative way I possibly can.
2. Joshy asked HIM to make the pancakes and before I could choose to be miffed that I WASN’T asked, Keith had asked where the Bisquick box was located.
3. Keith is a dad of 3 (oldest is twelve) and is always in “dad-mode” whenever I’ve seen him since he’s had his family of children.
4. Keith is my brother and has always been an example of a servant, right down to making pancakes for his friend’s kids.
So there.
After breakfast, he took me to the garage and asked which of the many boxes are the Christmas boxes so he can put them back up into the garage loft storage. CC’s been gone so she doesn’t know and hasn’t seen his work in there yet, but I know it will bless her even more than it did me.
His parents and sister with two of her sons arrived around noonish to have lunch with any of the Odum clan on site and then collect Keith and take him to there place outside Jackson. Keith came into town because of a legal battle a former employer is in and Keith is there to help out in the case on Monday. It’ such a blessing that he was willing to allow time to hang at our place for a little while before hooking up with his parents and sister. I’m obviously still blessed.
We all went to Chili’s for lunch where everyone else ordered a burger…so…I did too. I don’t believe I had any major repercussions from it, at least not yet. According to documents, the triggers can be within 72 hours, so we’ll just have to wait and see. What I HAVE to do is get off my butt and create a food diary/journal like EVERY ONE ELSE who has this, so I can more effectively track my food triggers. I’m so intimidated by it and feel like it will be overwhelming and impossible to keep with any consistency, that I bail on it before I actually begin to pass the 48 hour mark.
After Keith and the family left after a fun lunch all together, I hung out on the couch and veg’d watching some cable. Gene Simmon’s Family Jewels” was on, in fact they were running a handful of episodes back to back so I was quite entertained for about an hour and a half. That show has clearly shown him in a far, far different light than I would have ever thought him to be in. There is so much more to Gene than what he has let everyone see and know of himself and this show is the perfect vehicle to let people see the husband, father and fragile *nice* person behind the demon KISS persona he enjoys so much. I could easily rant on him for a while and it’s tempting, but I’ll only share a couple more things.
He’s Hebrew. Born and early-raised in Israel. That fact dumbfounded me. No wonder he knows scripture well enough to knock the verbal crap out of those who have tried to force him into some kind of Christian persuasion through knowledge of the scriptures. God knows the hearts of man, including Gene’s heart and his relationship is between God and him. I think there was a time in the eighties when some in Hollywood thought it “the” victory to “convert” Gene Simmons and even then it angered me. Keep in mind that I lived in LA as well as Orange County for a number of years and gigged there with the band I was in, Forthright, and we played some of the LA clubs (for those who remember Gazzari’s on the Sunset strip) and hung out quite a few times on the strip on Friday and Saturday nights and we were in the middle of the Christian metal and rock buzz of that time. For what it’s worth, if I recall correctly, we had to buy 50 $20.00 tickets to perform at Gazzari’s (it cost us $1,000.00 to play there) in 1990, I believe.
Oh well, I digressed again, but hey, it’s now 1:40 AM and I may not have much left but digression…
Now it is 1:48 and I just talked to Cs who’s just passing through Davis so they should be to the hospital before too much longer. I won’t be able to sleep until she reaches the hospital.
Here are some picks from my walk last week when the kids and CC rode up to the hatchery.

Look for the mocking bird (black and white)
Oh well, I digressed again, but hey, it’s now 1:40 AM and I may not have much left but digression…
Now it is 1:48 and I just talked to Cs who’s just passing through Davis so they should be to the hospital before too much longer. I won’t be able to sleep until she reaches the hospital.
Here are some picks from my walk last week when the kids and CC rode up to the hatchery.

Look for the mocking bird (black and white)

The walking bridge in Fair Oaks
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