Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Another brief one.


Wednesday Night


No attacks today and my diet was pretty good until dinner-ish time…

Breakfast was a bowl of mixed yogurt

Lunch was 3 scrambled eggs with mild cheddar cheese and two pieces of toast with butter and some blackberry spread

Early dinner was a packet of steamed rice and about a ¾ cup of last night’s Orange Chicken (that I did not have any of then…)

-       After this meal (about 10 minutes or so), I felt very tired and my soreness and muscle pain increased 3-fold, at least.  Sweats also came into the picture about 30 minutes after eating.

Protien Dinner was a grilled burger with some powdered garlic and a teaspoon of worcestershire sauce, both mixed into the meat before grilling.

Dessert was ½ a candy bar (20mg of carbs)

Snack of single serving (in grams) Cheetos puffs (300mg sodium)

5 bottles of water throughout the day


My legs felt very good today (until the Orange Chicken) which I believe is a DIRECT result of PT yesterday.  I did have some pretty heavy sweats today as well, but not in relation to my foods; simple, straightforward potassium flush (system dump).


Blood presure is still higher than it should be and my blood sugars were better now that we have doubled my Glypizide, but they were still high as well.  *sigh*


That’s it for now, time to get in bed-










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