Friday, February 09, 2007

Friday, February 09, 2007

Friday, February 09, 2007

It’s 8:56 PM now and I’m going to call it a day.
Brief one tonight.

Potassium was 4.1 this AM and again explains my pains and fatigue and all.
Seriously frustrating.

AAMCO called to say that the transmission needs to be rebuilt/replaced, end of story. Motor mount is broken, 2 U Joints need to be replaced etc. Looks like a couple grand for that work itself. A suggestion was made that we’ll probably have to come up with a couple grand for a vehicle as well, so do we want to put the money into the truck and invest in it, given the body’s excellent shape and interior’s excellent shape? My dad is pretty confident that he could man-handle the gasket repairs that are necessary on the engine…so I don’t know. TK, Carl, I’d still like you guys to take a look at it if and when you have the time in hopes that we can figure out some solution. I wish I was auto-mechanically-inclined, but I’m not so much, plus the whole muscle thing screws up my intentions anyway.

Missy and Annie from yesterday morning

No word from Kaiser yet.
This is where we are for now.

Here’s a pic of a get well card that Missy made me the other day when things were worse and I needed to stay in bed due to pain and fun like that. She’s awesome.


1 comment:

  1. ive been away from the internet for the past 10 days and i just spent the last 30 minutes or so catching up on your life and i have 2 major thoughts to share:

    1. you should watch honey i shrunk the kids (or maybe the sequel)...if i recall correctly one of the kids has a potassium problem and he forgot to take his pills and he passed out and had to eat a banana.

    2. about the car thing, i know absolutely NOTHING about cars, but i do know that Uncle Paul built his 300ZX and i figure that means hes pretty capable with cars. if you ever find yourself needing a hand or opinion, you could consider him an option too. just came to mind

    on another note...this time next week, ill be in the US : -D

    i love you, i love the kids, i love CC



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