The last series of days have been moving through in rapid pace and succession, as I suppose is the only way they can go through, no? Duh. Anyway, I forgot to share about the visit to Social Security on Thursday morning.
I went there at 11:00 as was the appointment, and though I wanted them to call me AFTER CC got there, they called my right on time. The armed guard searched my bag very carefully and thoroughly and then passed me through to the young man who called me in. Our representative was a young guy in his late twenties, I think, and he explained the whole information gathering process to me and then began to gather the details of my life for the past 15 years, almost one detail at a time. CC arrived shortly after we began and I was immediately more at ease. It took us about 90 minutes or so to complete the process and this young man was very kind, compassionate and empathetic as well. Truly, he was God’s answer to our prayers for this occasion. After completely giving all the info asked of us, he shared with us that it will now take 3 to 6 MONTHS for Social Security to either accept or deny the claim. He said it is not uncommon for them to deny it (simply, he thinks, because they want to weed out those who don’t need it bad enough to repeat the process) and for us to then appeal the decision and then have them to approve us on the appeal. Care to guess what our new, NUMBER ONE prayer request is? Please do pray for this to not be denied and for it not to take even 3 months for them to APPROVE our request. If you would, please send this off to any prayer chains that you are involved with so that we can cover this entire matter in prayer. Please.
I had lunch with my buddies Brian Kunz and David Swartz today. What a blessing to me these friends are. I really enjoyed my time with them and have already emailed them that fact, so I’m gimping out on sharing this with them indirectly or something like that, thank you very much. Anyway, I have a great time with them whenever we are able to get together and this time was no exception.
My niece came back last night from Hungary (actually, she came back the night before from

CC drove back to home yesterday after we went to church together to MPPC as a family. I’ll share more of my thoughts

Please be praying for CC’s safe travel back to us tomorrow after working in the morning and please be praying for our collective travels for the next few days around the Bay Area and then for our safe travel back to home on Thursday.
Blessings and peace-
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