Sunday, December 10, 2006

Sunday Night Lights

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Here's what I worked on all afternoon and evening...nothing is impossible...I guess.

At least it's something to feel good about, you know?



  1. thats really missing the christmas decorations and intense christmas spirit from back home. over here, ive seen maybe 1 or 2 houses with christmas lights and they were not impressive by any standards : -(. if you and the kids happen to go christmas caroling or light-seeing, be sure to bring your camera! congrats on the fabulous lights.


  2. Anonymous8:01 AM

    In times of despair, I find the little victorys of accomplishing tasks to be a great ego boost. The house looks great, keep busy when you can. Doing things that make you happy does wonders for the soul. I'd love to hear some of your finished work. Maybe you can post?

    Keep Kewl Brah,



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