Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Nothing remotely witty to think of as a starting point, so…skip it.
I just realized that I didn’t write anything for yesterday…I guess I was tired.
Yesterday was working on some music for part of the morning and then heading over to Mr. Fetter’s for some down-time away from the phones and computer and home front. He and I chilled at his place, ate some home made skillet-queso (CC’s recipe) which meant I consumed some tortilla chips with mild regret, and we watched the G3 video from Denver and then one of the discs from Rush R30 DVD package. He’s got a killer sound set up in his casa and a lazy-boy couch which will kickback and recline, no less. A good time was had by all involved…er, uh, both of us. It was very cool to just hang out and watch some concert footage with another musician as well as someone who shares similar tastes.
I came home from there and shortly there after was aware that my system was pissed off at me for having eaten the chips (both corn and salt, in particular). I noticed while at Craig’s that I was having muscle spasms in both feet, legs and hips for the better part of the time I was there, after I ate the chips. Once I got home, I was feeling pretty poorly and just wanted to lie down and have it all go away. I went to sleep fairly early…That’s why no blog last night…Duh. I remember now.
This morning started initially at 4:00 Am when I woke up from a viscous sore throat and immediately thought “Missy had strep a week plus ago…uh oh.” And CC was up and going getting ready for work, so she went and got me some Tylenol and some water and I was able to retreat back to slumber after the drug kicked in.
I woke up when Missy came in the room and I told her that I would not be getting them ready to go this morning and that they would need to take care of it themselves, which they did; I was very proud. Missy even made French Toast for Joshua. I did get up prior to them leaving and finished making Joshua’s lunch in time for him to pack it and be ready to leave. One of our friends has been picking them up and taking them in the mornings when I have not been able to.
After they got off to school I began working on some music again and got a decent patter down to play with, vaguely along the lines of “All I Ever Wanted” by Santana…and I do mean vaguely. Anyway, it was fun to work on and listen to it take form over time.
– side note here to the one and only Bass Monkey; so you going to come visit me or what, or just heckle me from cyberspace…though I know that is likely more fun… :-o)
I had an appointment with the Nephrologist this morning and met CC there for the appointment. He discussed his thoughts and feelings on where we are now, having diagnosed the Hyperaldosteronism and finding it a correct diagnosis and treating is accordingly; we all feel good about that. He is still very skeptical regarding the diagnosis of HKPP AND Hyperaldosteronism, two very rare conditions that he feels is against the odds of my having both. I told him that we’ll have to see as time goes on. I’m scheduled for the second opinion which he believes will prove him correct and my Neurologist believes will confer with the diagnosis of HKPP. In spite of his skepticism, I really like the Nephrologist and believe he is sincerely trying to do right by me as his patient. Following that appointment, I went to Kaiser Roseville to my appointment with my primary doctor regarding my sore throat and requested refill of some meds. The refill was handled fine and my throat didn’t look like Strep, but he ran a culture anyway to verify one way or the other.
Both he and the Nephrologist are scratching their medical heads trying to figure out why I have these periods each and every day where I sweat like crazy and feel ice cold in my feet and hands, simultaneous with the sweating. Neither has a real clue, though the Nephrologist has some recollection of reading of a patient with Hyperaldosteronism and heavy sweats. I almost forgot that he had also mentioned that I am by far, the furthest from a “normal, every day patient” that he has seen. He says he’s grateful because my conditions have caused him to think much harder and do more research than his “average, boring” patients…his words. He claims that I am certainly not boring. Under the circumstances, I think I’d rather be boring…*sigh*
After the appointments, I went to Pastor Chris’s house to watch him climb a tree in the hopes of completing a Christmas tree lighting of his front yard tree. I envied him, not. It is worthy of noting that he was cable-tying them to the tree; a statement of permanence, I assure you. Anna wanted me to meet the cat that had adopted them and Noah wanted me to check out his new hand held game (Nintendo or Gameboy, I’m not certain which). Anyway, both were proud of their sharing and I was pleased that they did share those moments with me. It was cool to see Chris outside the campus trappings, so to speak. It always is. When I got home I had an email waiting from the webcam company that I had written regarding missing software and they sent me the link so I now have a functioning webcam…not much to do with a functioning webcam, but I have one, anyway.
I worked more on the tune from this morning and it has taken shape pretty well…though we’ll see if I still have interest in it tomorrow morning or not. Speaking of tomorrow morning, I have to head back to Kaiser Roseville AGAIN, this time for ANOTHER appointment and a lab draw (joy, joy, joy…). I have to have my eyes checked due to the diabetes and I am having more tests run in search of the elusive cause of the sweating and such. The strep test should show by tomorrow morning some time.
I had a heart to heart with my mother in law tonight regarding some concerns I’ve been having and thought I did not go into some of the topics I had considered, the ones I addressed seemed to be received fairly well. Not much more to say on that at this point. Time will tell.
It’s night time now and the throat is really acting up again and becoming quite annoying. Grrr. We shall see if unhindered sleep is in my immediate future. I expect this is a virus of some sort considering the congestion and headache. Blah. Rats.
So, on to tomorrow to see what it has.
This a my blog about my life and struggles with HKPP (a terminal disease); Conquests and set backs, relationships and the strengthened resolve of their survival.
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