Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Wednesday: More tunnels so far...

Wednesday, December 6, 2006 *Edited*

Once again I woke up around 4:00 with brutal sore throat and headache, but cannot take anything because I was fasting for a lab test later this morning. Talk about tough and unpleasant.

The kids got up and going, Missy even before me and before CC left for work, because Missy is now at the age where she has to shower every day, wash her hair daily, so she’s up around 5ish each morning. Josh is also up before CC leaves but is brought in to our bed where is has a hard time with CC’s departure and needs some consoling before he goes back to sleep for the 45 minutes or so before I have to wake him up again to get ready for school. Our morning system needs some serious tweaking.
After getting them ready for school, I traded my truck for A friend’s car for the day because he needed to tow a trailer of stuff from one place to another and has a few trips to do, so he came by around 8ish to change vehicles and then Derald came by around 8:25 to pick me up and take me to a doctor’s appointment and lab test in Roseville. Turns out that the Diabetes Retinal screening is actually a class over and hour long and they put a couple medicines in your eyes and then gauge the condition of the eyes, so you can’t drive yourself home from the appointment. No doubt about that, my head hurt when I left and my eyes were far from happy about the forced dilation. Derald and I left the appointment, went to the lab where it took the tech a few tries to succeed in finding the vein…I’ll not go into my feelings about that…you can likely guess as to my frame of mind thereafter. We left Kaiser and went to eat at a place called Annie’s in Orangevale. We enjoyed the meal and I felt had a very cool and in depth dialog on a variety of topics, as is our norm. During the breakfast, I received a call from Kaiser and answered it (when the cell phone rang, I had to hand it to Derald for him to read who the call was from because I couldn’t see/focus for anything; the display was a small blur) and after speaking to the nurse on the line, learned I am positive for Strep (Sorry Derald) and that the meds will be called in shortly. During our breakfast, I was increasingly feeling worse and after he brought me home, I’ve been down on the couch ever since. Lord knows that I am in no way comparing myself to Job, but I am questioning a possible family connection…I mean, come on. Now Strep? The temptation to swear is overwhelming at points, currently. Add to this the new issue of finding out AFTER I got horizontal on the couch that the internal DVD player on this laptop is now no longer working…it worked fine a couple days ago…but not now.
With all that is going on, CC has been driving steadily since 11:00 this morning, it’s now 2:10, and during her last travel, went up to Kaiser before coming home sp she could pick up my antibiotics, only to be told that they won’t be ready until after 5:00 PM “Sorry, Ma’am, you should have been informed that when you received the call. It’s not our fault; you simply have to wait your turn. Come back after 5:00.” Uh…to say she was “unhappy” doesn’t quite capture her mood or disposition at that moment and I know because she called me from the pharmacy to let me know she was on her way home without them.

The ONLY light in this mass of uncertainty is that Member Services called and they got me a sooner appointment with the doc on Walnut Creek, an appointment for next week. As cool as that is, it is drowned out by the rest of today's realities. Sucks.

At the heart of our concerns and stresses, non-medically (since we have that column filled completely currently) is the reality now that I am on disability from work and we have not been contacted by the insurance company as to whether or not they have accepted the claim.

Some of you may have read past this earlier, but I was uncomfortable with the post and have regretted having posted it in its entirety, so it will end here with uncertainty in the lead.

Perhaps more tonight.


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