Sunday, March 04, 2007

Pause for prayer

I'm not dating this post, but just keeping it out for folks to read and consider.

Here is a link to a Comcast News article which nails a point of where the church is SUPPOSED to be and yet when it is there, it finds itself outside its comfort zone and at risk.
Is the Church called to take risks?
Here's the link:

It states that it is Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

So in keeping with the statement not to copy it, I'm asking you to follow the link instead of my just copy/paste it into here.

This is one that I'd like some feedback on in the way of "Comments" so we can read one another's thoughts and opinions, so, after reading the story, please leave a comment sharing what you think.


  1. I think that we, as a church and living, breathing followers of Jesus are called to pray for and witness to everyone, outside of a loaded gun to imminent dangerous scenario.
    I'm not sure that I am comfortable with having the guys sign a contract of sorts in order to attend services...should we tell someone *which* service they *may* attend? Certainly we can stand behind the right not to allow admittance if we think someone may pose physical threat, but is he? Posing a physical threat, I mean?
    What do you think?

  2. Anonymous10:16 PM

    What a challenging situation this is. The article doesn't elaborate on the man's expression of repentance and intention to live differently. The accountability group could help bring healthy friendship and restoration, with God's grace - contributing to New Life in Christ, the ultimate goal. On the other hand, the man could make choices that take him in the opposite direction. It looks like prayer, along with alert compassionate friendship, are good places to start. Wonder if the man is praying for transformation for himself. Thanks for bringing up this challengeing issue. Bet there are other such situations around the countru.


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