Monday, March 19, 2007

Monday, March 19, 2007

Monday, March 19, 2007

Today is the day that we travel to San Francisco for the appointment with a doctor at UCSF that we have been fighting Kaiser to refer us to for over 6 months.
6 Freackin MONTHS.
It's now 5:55 AM and we leave at 7:30 AM.
Our omnipresent concerns are that he might say "Wade, you don't have HKPP, but like Dr. Gibbs, I don't knwo what you're dealing with, either." and we are back where we started, over 6 months ago.
Yesterday, my left hand remained mostly to totally numb nearly the entire day. It scared me. It never prgoressed and my fatigue remained "normal".
So, I need to finish packing up and will write when I return, or will write tomorrow morning or so.

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