Thursday, March 22, 2007

Thursday morning, March 22, 2007

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Yesterday was an interesting day, all in all, with the only real drama being that my mother in law, Nana, apparently decided that she wasn’t going to speak to me and didn’t until about 2:30ish, which was just before CC was going to return with the kids from school. Head games. Anybody want ‘me? I don’t. I said to her, around 9:00ish in the morning that I was noting that she was pretty quiet this morning and she quipped “Well, I guess I don’t feel like talking or something like that.” And, from there, it was done. She didn't talk to me after that until just about when CC came home. It's too small of a house to play the slient game. Bleh.

Besides that rendition of a small-town drama, the two really cool parts of the day came around noon when David from work, came and picked me up for a lunch at Friday’s. and then around 5:00 when (Pastor) Josh Flood and his family came over for grilled salmon and grilled chicken dinner and we had a great time. As for lunch, I really enjoyed just hanging with David without the trappings of the offices and campus and to spend time with him in that environment has always been more enjoyable to time spent on campus where the everyday pressures are more than evident and inescapable for me. I had some quality time with David, which I haven’t had in several months and I have truly missed.
As for our time with the Floods, I told CC that I felt like an idiot that I hadn’t asked them over years ago when I first met him. “Late off the ball and tending to regret” is me, in a nutshell. Besides the evident regret of history missed, I really enjoyed his company and the company of his bride and children who were spot-on well behaved, which I feel shows more about the parents than the children. We only had, like, 3 hours with them, but it was a condensed 3 hours and really fun, filled with quite a bit of laughter and story telling from all of us. Dinner was grilled salmon (no marinade, just some melted butter once plated) and chicken that had a short marinade of Newman’s Balsamic Vinaigrette and ½ a clove of freshly minced garlic. I though the chicken ended up more garlic-y than I had hoped for, but CC felt it was fine, so I’m adopting her opinion as my own and shutting up about it.

I’ve been emailing back and forth with some friends of old, as of lately and I’ll share more on them later today, if I get back here in plenty of convenient time. This morning, though, CC has to drop her mom off someplace for something (helpful, aren’t I?) and I’m going to go with her so we can simply be together. The only real time during the day when we can be together and have a remotely free conversation, is when we are in the car together, driving to or from something. Other than that, we don’t have much privacy at all and cannot even carry on adult conversations for fear of either the kids or her mom participating and becoming opinionated regarding or in the conversation.
This has to change. Patience is running out.

Speaking of running out, I have to go-
See ya.

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