I did have an attack yesterday afternoon; muscle spasms began in my waist and abdomen and got progressively worse while I was standing in the kitchen slicing an apple for a snack. Most uncomfortable to say the least.
Today, Sunday, I've been having flutters in my arms and shoulders almost non-stop though they have not increased. I took my meds which included K+ but they have not settled down at all. I still have nausea and don't feel like I'm on my game at all. *Bleh*
We missed church this morning due to sleeping in. I'm bummed not to get to church, but am glad that CC was able to get some well needed rest and extra sleep that she has been missing for so long.
My mom heads back to the Bay Area today and my niece Kirsten is heading up to us for a week long visit. We are all excited to see her and have time with her.
Below are some of the pictures I promised a few entries ago, so scroll down for the pics.

Annie likes to sleep on the couch when it is just her and me home, but it amazes me that she moves the cushions with her paws so that she can lay on them and rest her head in an elevated manner.
Laura came to visit for a long weekend and was a true and wonderful blessing to all of us.

This is what I wrote while in church a few weeks back. I wrote what I was seeing in my head as the pastor was teaching and I tried to capture it and write it out as I saw it.

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