Sunday, November 26, 2006

Sunday is Birthday

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Well, it’s 43 today. Unfortunately, I feel like I’m 30 years older than that. I woke up in pain, sore and still tired from the inside out. We are postponing a small gathering CC was putting together for this afternoon, but not just because of me and my state, but also because Missy tested positive for STREP. She’s been in terrible pain, throat-wise, for the last couple days.
It’s frustrating to postpone the gathering, but I believe it was ill-fated should we have pursued it.

My sister and family came up yesterday for a few hours so we got to have a small celebration with them. I haven’t seen my sister, brother-in-law and nephews for quite some time. My niece is in Hungary with AFS, living there for 6 months. She comes home in February. We were unable to see her off at the airport, so our goal is to be at the airport when she returns, for sure. I, and we, miss her dearly. Mom and dad came up on Friday and have been helping with chores and yard work, which has been real blessing for us.

With the family here, I spent all my energy on their visit and was unable to consider writing last night for the blog, so that’s why I’m writing today instead.

I’m still frustrated that my videos did not come on Friday as they were supposed to. I emailed AMAZON.COM and wrote of my sincere frustration with the skipped delivery and they replied within the hour and credited my card for the full cost of the shipping, which I felt was a fair response to my frustration.

Well, it is close to 12:40 PM and I’m going to rest for a while. I just checked my potassium and I’m at 4.6, which is a solid number to have. The range is 3.5 to 5.3 and though 4.6 is a good number to have, the issue is often not the level, but it’s the drop from one level to another level that can be the issue. The prayers for each day are to keep the K+ levels stable and not suffer a drop.

Happy Thanksgiving weekend to all-

1 comment:

  1. if its possibile, i would kill to have you at the airport when i get home. but if you cant make it, i dont want you stressing over it or anything. just letting you know that id love to see you as soon as i can. love always


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