Friday, July 04, 2008
I decided to get back out of bed to post a brief one about today-
I slept in until 11:00 and since I have been using the oxygen with my CPAP machine, I have been sleeping better, more restful I think. It's all about the quality of my life now so that I enjoy the quantity of my life. For a while there, I wasn't enjoying much of anything unless it was related directly to my wife or children.
We bought 2 mattresses designed for motorized, adjustable beds from Sleep Train, which arrived today AND my sister and family (sans my oldest nephew Sterling) came up for the weekend and brought with them 2 adjustable beds from friends of the family in the Bay Area who were letting them go, so all in all, we have a new bed(s) for us; 2 extra long twins which put together make a California King, the same size bed we had.
Our bed had been on the floor which was VERY hard for me to get into and out of, but we were trying to figure out how we would go about buying a new one, could we afford it, what kind do we need/want, etc. Now we have a Craftmatic frame with Simmons mattresses and full adjustability. It is fantastic. We are both excited.
I stayed on my feet for the most of the day getting things cleaned up and organized in my office, but by nightfall I was hurting quite a bit in my hips and lower back. The kids went with the Haldens to their hotel (which has a pool) and they swam for a little while while CC and I stayed home and briefly sat outside on the sidewalk (me in the regular wheelchair) and watched a couple of the neighbors set off fireworks. After coming inside, we went upstairs and laid on our NEW BEDS and tried out all the functions, which worked great. CC then left to pick up our kids and Kirsten and Erik and come back and I watched TV until I realized that I had not posted, so that is the catch up for today; no attacks, just higher pain level and normal evening exhaustion.
Oh yeah, I got to speak to a good friend from many years ago when he called today; Steve Brown from my life at Trinity. He wishes to send his greetings to all who knew him and hopes to be able to be back in touch with our "old crowd" from our days back then. Let me know and I will forward you his email address. Steve, you really blessed me today by taking the time to call me and chat for a while. My day was made with that phone call. With my sister coming up, it was icing on the cake, so to speak.
I hope your 4th was fun and safe-
This a my blog about my life and struggles with HKPP (a terminal disease); Conquests and set backs, relationships and the strengthened resolve of their survival.
Friday, July 04, 2008
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