Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Tuesday Morning...

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

It's now 10:53 am and I should not be writing in the blog now...I should be at PT. Oops. Completely forgot about it when I woke up at 9:25. The good part of this is that I slept for close to 12 hours; a very nice change of pace and re-collection of some sleep that had previously escaped me. But I feel like a schmo for being a poor steward of the PT clinic's time and personnel. Fortunately, they have an open slot shortly, so I can still get in this morning and they are also being very kind about my laps of memory this morning.

Missy slept with us last night so CC could monitor her and Missy awoke this morning with 90% movement back in her neck and reduced pain. That's an answer to prayer and a HUGE thank you to all of you who also interceded with me on her behalf before the King.

CC goes in to PT as well today because her jaw and neck are causing her pain near tears, and she is the strongest person I know to date, in terms of coping and dealing with pain in its many forms.
Continued prayers for her are coveted.

I came across a note I had recorded of and for myself months ago regarding an idea to minister to churches in terms of their media and sound ministries. It struck me as something to re-think in terms of practicality and approach, but I am apparently still convicted that I have knowledge of that ministry that can be of blessing and benefit to churches, if I can figure out how to work it out. I guess there will be more on this later...time to head off to PT...via my aunt. 11:06 am.

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